
Bridge get back together then what if THOPE happen? (General)

JX @, 5/25/2023, 10:01PM (630 days ago)

BRIDGE will be happy for 2 seconds and then THOPE happens.
Are we back to the same old same old with BRIDGE arguing about Thomas :lol
Surely Bell can do better ?

Bridge get back together then what if THOPE happen?

KKLBAB12, 5/25/2023, 10:24PM (630 days ago) @JX

Could we see Bridge be against Thope but Taylor be for it? And Steffy caught in the middle?

Bridge get back together then what if THOPE happen?

hopeyougogirl, 5/25/2023, 10:34PM (630 days ago) @KKLBAB12

Could we see Bridge be against Thope but Taylor be for it? And Steffy caught in the middle?

Steffy will be all for it because if she can't have Liam, she doesn't want Hope to be happy with Liam either. Not to mention, if Thomas is happy, Steffy and Taylor will view that as a "win" for their family.

Shown on screen, Steffy blackmailed Bill. Yet, she told Ivy (and Liam too) that “blackmail is a crime”. Per Steffy’s own words, she IS a criminal cuz she has blackmailed.

Bridge get back together then what if THOPE happen?

KKLBAB12, 5/25/2023, 10:42PM (630 days ago) @hopeyougogirl

Yeah I wondered how it might play out if Steffy sees him finally happy. I also wonder how far Thomas will go to stop or warn his sister if she tries to get in his way with Hope.
Could this be a Tridge Family problem? Hmmmm

Bridge get back together then what if THOPE happen?

GollyMollie, 5/26/2023, 4:22AM (630 days ago) @hopeyougogirl

Could we see Bridge be against Thope but Taylor be for it? And Steffy caught in the middle?

Steffy will be all for it because if she can't have Liam, she doesn't want Hope to be happy with Liam either. Not to mention, if Thomas is happy, Steffy and Taylor will view that as a "win" for their family.

Steffy moved on from Liam years ago when she put herself first and put her ring on Hopes finger and told her she can have Liam.
Liam is the one that keeps running to Steffy when he’s upset with Hope the way Ridge keeps running to Taylor when he’s upset with Brooke.
Lastly Steffy has the best husband on the show; light years better than Liam.

Bridge get back together then what if THOPE happen?

hopeyougogirl, 5/26/2023, 11:15AM (629 days ago) @GollyMollie

Could we see Bridge be against Thope but Taylor be for it? And Steffy caught in the middle?

Steffy will be all for it because if she can't have Liam, she doesn't want Hope to be happy with Liam either. Not to mention, if Thomas is happy, Steffy and Taylor will view that as a "win" for their family.

Steffy moved on from Liam years ago when she put herself first and put her ring on Hopes finger and told her she can have Liam.
Liam is the one that keeps running to Steffy when he’s upset with Hope the way Ridge keeps running to Taylor when he’s upset with Brooke.
Lastly Steffy has the best husband on the show; light years better than Liam.

Nah..if Steffy truly moved on, she would've never slept with her EX so easily and cheated on a loyal Finn. It's too bad that wuss Finn thinks cheater Steffy can do no wrong and blamed only Liam when Liam never had to force himself on Steffy anyway. She's always more than willing to bang her EX. LOL,

Shown on screen, Steffy blackmailed Bill. Yet, she told Ivy (and Liam too) that “blackmail is a crime”. Per Steffy’s own words, she IS a criminal cuz she has blackmailed.

Bridge get back together then what if THOPE happen?

Barbybo, 5/26/2023, 4:28AM (630 days ago) @hopeyougogirl

Could we see Bridge be against Thope but Taylor be for it? And Steffy caught in the middle?

Steffy will be all for it because if she can't have Liam, she doesn't want Hope to be happy with Liam either. Not to mention, if Thomas is happy, Steffy and Taylor will view that as a "win" for their family.

Steffys happy with Finn Liam’s old news …l

Bridge get back together then what if THOPE happen?

matisse, 5/25/2023, 10:42PM (630 days ago) @KKLBAB12- one person liked this

Could we see Bridge be against Thope but Taylor be for it? And Steffy caught in the middle?

Yes. I think Ridge will believe that Tom did not encourage it, but he will expect Tom to not be involved with Hope, given all he has done in the past to her, her mother, her husband and her child.

Bridge get back together then what if THOPE happen?

KKLBAB12, 5/25/2023, 10:45PM (630 days ago) @matisse

I too think Ridge will expect Thomas to back off Hope and not pursue her. He'll want the peace kept. I could also see Steffy firing Hope (or even Ridge) to keep Thomas on the path SHE wants for him.

Bridge get back together then what if THOPE happen?

matisse, 5/25/2023, 11:14PM (630 days ago) @KKLBAB12

I too think Ridge will expect Thomas to back off Hope and not pursue her. He'll want the peace kept. I could also see Steffy firing Hope (or even Ridge) to keep Thomas on the path SHE wants for him.

I have been posting that all week....I think Steffy will fire Hope, or take her off HFTF and put her somewhere else, if she still wants to work at FC. I think this may be where the new ingenue Bell said he was hiring will come into play. I just think we might be getting another Caroline II situation, instead of Tom and Rick vying for her, it will be Tom and RJ vying for her....or better yet.....Tom and Liam vying for her, and Hope left out in the cold. LOL

Bridge get back together then what if THOPE happen?

Barbybo, 5/26/2023, 4:29AM (630 days ago) @matisse

Could we see Bridge be against Thope but Taylor be for it? And Steffy caught in the middle?

Yes. I think Ridge will believe that Tom did not encourage it, but he will expect Tom to not be involved with Hope, given all he has done in the past to her, her mother, her husband and her child.

Gawd such busy body characters. Yuck

Bridge get back together then what if THOPE happen?

matisse, 5/26/2023, 10:24AM (629 days ago) @Barbybo

Could we see Bridge be against Thope but Taylor be for it? And Steffy caught in the middle?

Yes. I think Ridge will believe that Tom did not encourage it, but he will expect Tom to not be involved with Hope, given all he has done in the past to her, her mother, her husband and her child.

Gawd such busy body characters. Yuck

Nothing busy body to it, when the dirty deeds have been done to you by the people you are speaking about. Tom claims to have changed, and has asked his dad to believe in him, after Tom ruined his fathers marriage to Brooke. So, if Tom is telling the truth, if he means what he has been saying, then he will tell Hope nothing can ever happen between them. Ridge may expect Tom to live up to his word and PROVE that everything he has been saying, he means. It will be a good way to show that Tom has changed and can now be trusted. The caveat is, he can never be with Hope. LOL


Bridge get back together then what if THOPE happen?

Soapisfun, 5/26/2023, 2:51AM (630 days ago) @KKLBAB12

Steffy would be for Thope if Hope owns her feelings and choose openly to be with Thomas. What she is against is the fact that Hope is clearly stringing Thomas along and could drag him back to his old obsession

Bridge get back together then what if THOPE happen?

GLFan, 5/26/2023, 10:57AM (629 days ago) @Soapisfun

Steffy would be for Thope if Hope owns her feelings and choose openly to be with Thomas. What she is against is the fact that Hope is clearly stringing Thomas along and could drag him back to his old obsession

I think it would be very hard to convince Steffy that Hope wouldn’t ultimately go back to Liam in the end. But I guess Bell can write it however he wants, lol.

Bridge get back together then what if THOPE happen?

GracieGirl, 5/25/2023, 11:01PM (630 days ago) @JX

My hope is that Brooke kicks Hope to the emotional curb.

Bridge get back together then what if THOPE happen?

KKLBAB12, 5/25/2023, 11:14PM (630 days ago) @GracieGirl

I am in 100 percent agreement.
I'd like Brooke to just stand by and let Hope blow her life apart.
Hope can learn what reality is all about.

Bridge get back together then what if THOPE happen?

matisse, 5/25/2023, 11:17PM (630 days ago) @KKLBAB12- one person liked this

I am in 100 percent agreement.
I'd like Brooke to just stand by and let Hope blow her life apart.
Hope can learn what reality is all about.

It is her daughter so she won't kick her to the curb, but she might let her fall on her face and finally understand everything her mother had to put up with for years, when she "followed her heart"....I want Thope to be in all the tabloids with pictures and Hope being branded the cheating wife who could not keep her knees closed around her playboy step-brother. LOL

Bridge get back together then what if THOPE happen?

GracieGirl, 5/25/2023, 11:26PM (630 days ago) @matisse

Me too but that won’t happen.

Bridge get back together then what if THOPE happen?

Barbybo, 5/26/2023, 7:06AM (630 days ago) @matisse- one person liked this

I am in 100 percent agreement.
I'd like Brooke to just stand by and let Hope blow her life apart.
Hope can learn what reality is all about.

It is her daughter so she won't kick her to the curb, but she might let her fall on her face and finally understand everything her mother had to put up with for years, when she "followed her heart"....I want Thope to be in all the tabloids with pictures and Hope being branded the cheating wife who could not keep her knees closed around her playboy step-brother. LOL

Should all people who want to end a marriage be crucified? Why would public judge they make dresses not that important only gossip a tad then move on type……they are dressmakers who would care as long as they like the dresses and buy them…who they chose to be with is their choice…..

Bridge get back together then what if THOPE happen?

matisse, 5/26/2023, 10:20AM (629 days ago) @Barbybo- one person liked this

I am in 100 percent agreement.
I'd like Brooke to just stand by and let Hope blow her life apart.
Hope can learn what reality is all about.

It is her daughter so she won't kick her to the curb, but she might let her fall on her face and finally understand everything her mother had to put up with for years, when she "followed her heart"....I want Thope to be in all the tabloids with pictures and Hope being branded the cheating wife who could not keep her knees closed around her playboy step-brother. LOL

Should all people who want to end a marriage be crucified? Why would public judge they make dresses not that important only gossip a tad then move on type……they are dressmakers who would care as long as they like the dresses and buy them…who they chose to be with is their choice…..

Yes, people with young children who want to end their marriage for no reason other than they have hot pants for another, should be chastised. Why would the public judge Brooke? All she did was run a company that made dresses. But, according to Stephanie, Taylor and Steffy, Brooke brought scandal and harm to the company with her choices, and she needed to be fired, and at times was fired for it. So yes, Hope should be fired too, and yes, the tabloids should rake her over the coals for it. What was good for Brooke, is good for everyone else on this show. In fact, maybe the tabloids should find out that Hope's husband was cheating on her with the CEO of the company that employs Hope. And, the tabloids should probably be told about Tom wanting baby Beth Spencer to remain dead and for her mother, an employee of FC, to never know her baby was alive. Like I said, if Brooke could be fired for bringing "scandal" to the dress factory, then so should Hope, Steffy, Tom and Ridge.


Bridge get back together then what if THOPE happen?

Lizzy54 @, Austria, 5/26/2023, 12:49PM (629 days ago) @matisse- one person liked this

I am in 100 percent agreement.
I'd like Brooke to just stand by and let Hope blow her life apart.
Hope can learn what reality is all about.

It is her daughter so she won't kick her to the curb, but she might let her fall on her face and finally understand everything her mother had to put up with for years, when she "followed her heart"....I want Thope to be in all the tabloids with pictures and Hope being branded the cheating wife who could not keep her knees closed around her playboy step-brother. LOL

Should all people who want to end a marriage be crucified? Why would public judge they make dresses not that important only gossip a tad then move on type……they are dressmakers who would care as long as they like the dresses and buy them…who they chose to be with is their choice…..

Yes, people with young children who want to end their marriage for no reason other than they have hot pants for another, should be chastised. Why would the public judge Brooke? All she did was run a company that made dresses. But, according to Stephanie, Taylor and Steffy, Brooke brought scandal and harm to the company with her choices, and she needed to be fired, and at times was fired for it. So yes, Hope should be fired too, and yes, the tabloids should rake her over the coals for it. What was good for Brooke, is good for everyone else on this show. In fact, maybe the tabloids should find out that Hope's husband was cheating on her with the CEO of the company that employs Hope. And, the tabloids should probably be told about Tom wanting baby Beth Spencer to remain dead and for her mother, an employee of FC, to never know her baby was alive. Like I said, if Brooke could be fired for bringing "scandal" to the dress factory, then so should Hope, Steffy, Tom and Ridge.

I don´t think any buyers or public are interested in with whom the designer of the clothes is sleeping...how would they even know? I never read about the designers of Chanel, Dior, Armani, Prada or Gucci who of them is sleeping with who, married or not, cheating or not...no one is interested in their love life.
Perhaps a supermodel, like Giselle Bündchen, would interest the tabloids, but not a designer.
If anything, a scandal would make them finally interesting.
If they would fire every designer who falls in love with someone who is not their husband/wife there wouldn´t be many designers left I suppose.

Bridge get back together then what if THOPE happen?

Barbybo, 5/26/2023, 4:27AM (630 days ago) @JX

BRIDGE will be happy for 2 seconds and then THOPE happens.
Are we back to the same old same old with BRIDGE arguing about Thomas :lol
Surely Bell can do better ?

Bridge is so old and they keep rewinding it ….no
Bell can’t do better it’s all rewash

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