Derision of the notion of love

GracieGirl, 11/29/2024, 8:37PM(8 days ago) @kikilucy

Love is supposed to be one of the main themes on B&B. Love, family, fashion and fame. But does one of the main characters truly respect this notion ? The main 4 female characters have all turned this word into derision.

Hope supposedly loved Liam for years, but no one will ever convince me she was sincere. Lope was turned into an aberration now. If one character used to respect love, I always thought it was Hope with Liam. It was much easier to defend their actions when they were younger and when Amber/Steffy/Bill/Deacon/Rick/Wyatt/Quinn were all scheming against them. But there are no more excuses since their wedding in 2018. She proved me wrong too many times. Abandoning her grieving husband when he believed his baby was dead, moving on with Thomas and marrying him a week later ? Liam should never have taken Hope back after this. Then putting Thomas/Douglas above Liam/Beth for 3 years, forgiving all of his mistakes and rehiring him over and over ... only to tell Thomas later she had feelings for him the entire time. This is straight up emotional abuse. Years of marriage based on lies and and his is what happens in the end. She lusts after him for months, kisses him, gets caught, fills for divorce and moves on with her lover at light speed. She left her 2 marriages to be with Liam's archenemy. This girl doesn't know what love is if she still claims she loved Liam. Then she has the cool to tell Thomas he is her only true love and she never felt this way about anyone before him. If I thought Lope was dead before, these words burried them forever. In the end it's Thomas who ended things, not Hope. I don't care if she never touches Thomas again, this can't be unsaid. I will never believe a word she says about Liam ever again. Just like I'm struggling to believe in her supposed love for Carter now. She was lusting after Finn 5 minutes ago. Telling her mother she can't stop thinking what it'd be like to be in Finn's arms, how creepy was that? I would have been okay with Hope/Carter if she claimed he was just a sex friend for now and she'll see what happens in the future. But for her to rush into bed with him and claim she loves him so early in their relationship, I already know they're doomed. It's just a matter of time until she hurts Carter, her words have no credibility. Liam was supposed to be the love of her life. Thomas was supposed to be her true love. Both men share a child with her. How does a 3rd man fit in the middle? At the very last, her heart will be divided between 3 men... This is selfish from Hope. She wants a man who only loves her but she is allowed to have feelings for numerous men at the same time ? At the end of the day, perhaps the only person she loves is herself.

Steffy is just as bad for different reasons. Her double standards with Finn are laughable. She can claim she loves Finn as much as she wants, she already proved she doesn't. When Ivy was with Wyatt and kissed Thomas, Steffy's first reaction was ''she doesn't love Wyatt''. When Brooke was married to Ridge and Bill kissed her in 2018, she urged her father to leave Brooke. When Sheila drugged Brooke who let Deacon kiss her, Steffy's first reaction was ''Brooke doesn't love my dad, she never did''. Hope kissed Thomas so she never loved Liam. She refused Thomas' proposal so she never loved Thomas. When Quinn was married to Eric and kissed Ridge, she was bragging ''I told you so, Quinn never loved grandpa''. Steffy and Finn have zero credibility if this is how Steffy sees love. She went 10 times further than a kiss with Liam when she was with Finn. She repeatedly disrespected her marriage. Letting Liam kiss her, remembering the past with him, telling him she will always love him, keeping everything from her husband. By her own definition of the notion of love, she doesn't love Finn and never loved him. I will never forget Steffy's conversation with Liam after their night together. ''I don't have that deep of a connection with Finn. Whether we're together or not, you are always gonna be my greatest gift (...) I love you. And it felt like it could stay that way forever. In that incredible moment that we shared, a life with you, it did seem possible''. Proof right here that she only settled for Finn because Liam didn't want her. She said it, a life with Liam seemed possible. But then he chose to stay with Hope and Steffy was stuck with only 1 guy. Not that I liked Sinn before she said that, but these words burried the couple forever. Writers should have thought twice before writing these Steffy lines. She can't tell Liam he will always be her greatest gift, profess her undying love and claim a life with him seemed possible behind Finn's back... and then pretend she loves Finn. The way she systematically slams the door, blames him, moves out and punishes him isn't a grand evidence of love either. Every time he messes up, she storms out and forces him to beg for forgiveness. But how many worse secrets has she kept over the years ? The only person she loves is herself. The only difference with Hope is she is more violent, spiteful, unforgiving and has anger issues. And she is a much bigger hypocrite than Hope.

Taylor's issues are also way different from Steffy and Hope's, but the result is the same. She is crazy. Her lifelong obsession with Ridge isn't love. The last time Tridge were a viable couple was 30 years ago... Hope was a newborn when Sheila shot Taylor and Brooke. Ridge hasn't wanted Taylor since then, unless he was manipulated. Tridge's last 4 reunions had the same things in common. Ridge is manipulated. Ridge settles for her because he believes lies about Brooke. Ridge is daydreaming about Brooke the whole time he is with Taylor. Ridge uncovers the truth, dumps Taylor at the altar and runs back to Brooke. I don't remember a moment when Ridge was happy with Taylor and not thinking about Brooke. Ridge has emotionally abused Taylor for 3 decades. She spent years in Europe but she is still more delusional than ever. She still thinks Brooke stole Ridge from her and that Ridge is a victim who secretely wanted her all along. She looks like a lunatic in her scenes with Ridge. No one will ever convince me this is love. Any sane woman would have accepted the truth after 30 years. Taylor also proved how fast she can throw Ridge under the bus if it benefits her. She let Ridge rot in jail for weeks for her 2 attempted murders against Bill. He was arrested, thrown in jail and she still didn't turn herself in. The only reason Ridge was released was because Liam thought he was the shooter and Bill changed his version. Such a way to treat someone you supposedly love... you shoot someone and let the father of your children pay for your crimes.

Brooke looks like the most sane person in this group, but her supposed love for her destiny is very fragile. She claimed to love so many men in her life. Dave, James, Connor, Grant, Eric, Deacon, Thorne, Nick, Bill. And others. According to her, it was always more than sex. She professed her love to all these guys. I am convinced it's possible to date numerous partners in a lifetime, but falling in love so many times ? Even if she loved these men, this wasn't an unconditionnal love because Ridge was still on her mind. She did some questionable things in the meantime. Didn't tell him his wife was alive in 1995. Didn't tell him he was Thomas' dad in 1998. May have faked a pregnancy (though it was never confirmed). Didn't say a word when she thought her daughter killed his son in 2020. Nothing compared to all the abusive things Ridge did to her, but still, she kept some horrific secrets. Either she was lying to all these men and Ridge was always her one true love, or her feelings for these men were all genuine but in this case, she doesn't truly love Ridge unconditionally the way she claims.

I could say the same about the main B&B men, of course. Ridge, Eric, Liam, Deacon, Thomas, Bill, Nick, Rick, Thorne. They all did awful things and have all been abusive in their own ways. I don't think any of them is truly capable of loving someone. I don't think ANY of these characters (men or women) know what love is, at the end of the day. If I want to watch a true love story, B&B isn't the answer.

A great many of the B&B characters are flawed, including my fave Hope. But in my humble opinion Steffy is the most flawed. So much so that she is not watchable. I don’t think there is anything or anyone that could ever make me root for her, not ever.

I believe Steffy and Finn are not watchable.

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