Why was Finn in the HFTF office?

Joy, 11/29/2024, 7:41PM(8 days ago) @hopeyougogirl

I thought that was explained as the model Lainey telling Finn Steffy was in there. He wanted to give Steffy her tablet.

Yeah, but as he can clearly see Steffy was NOT in there when he walked in, so logically speaking..he should've leave a note with either Pam or go into Steffy's office and leave the tablet there.

The door was shut, and Finn didn't even knock before he waltzed in. Once in, he didn't even call out to make his presence known in case someone else was in the room. Since Pam is the CEO executive secretary, it looks like he would have left the tablet with her to give to Steffy. If Steffy would have been in the HFTF office, it would have been for business and not pleasure. It seems like he wouldn't want to disturb her while she was working.

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