Create more space between the three main families

GracieGirl, 11/29/2024, 6:37PM(8 days ago)- 4 people liked this

No matter who is involved, to me, what it boils down to is that Hope and Steffy are fighting about Ridge and Liam. The show is too narrowly focused. I now realize that Steffy will always win. There will be no comeuppance no matter what she does. I was just talking about the show writing Stephanie setting up Brooke for rape and at the end of the day, there was no real payback for Stephanie. So nothing will happen to Steffy. It’s wishful thinking for me to believe that. People like the Forresters and yes the Spencers will always get away with killing or causing the death of others or even slipping into people beds without permission but everyone else is ripped to shreds over adultery or even a kiss. The Forresters and Spencers are a different breed. They are in the same Beverly Hills society. They have the police in their hip pocket. They can and will get away with everything including their own hypocrisy. When Steffy asked Katie about how she would feel if another woman threw herself at her husband and the show didn’t write Katie a comeback line, it was then I realize, there is no comeuppance for people like Steffy. This show is about the Steffy’s of this world and her grandmother before her. Everyone else is just collateral. Beth Logan as matriarch had a much higher standard for her kids. I’m not sure if they realize she had more character than any Forrester or Spencer could ever hope to have. I wish the show would write the Logan women coming to this realization and separate themselves from these people. I don’t know what that means for Donna, but I would like to see a permanent split between these families and only interact when necessary. I think the show needs more variety and not the same old people fighting about same things. I still think the show has potential if the people in charge could see the merits of creating more stories that separate these three main families. I think it would benefit from Hope and Steffy never interacting and Brooke dumping Ridge with no Bill in sight.

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