Steffy's motive for firing Hope?

Pausini, 11/29/2024, 6:18PM(8 days ago)- 4 people liked this

Just trying to make sure I understood it well. I live outside of the US so I don't have access to all the full episodes yet. I only see partial episodes and recaps, so maybe I misunderstood.
Steffy only fired Hope because of that silly misunderstanding with Finn when she walked in on them falling on the desk? Or did I miss something else justifying this sacking? I don't like Hope with Carter (still want her back with Thomas) but technically she isn't doing anything bad. They are single, this not Steffy's business.

Did it ever cross Steffy or Finn's mind that maybe Hope is seeing another guy? Are they really this self-absorbed and narcissistic to think Hope was wearing lingerie to seduce Finn? Steffy is worse than I suspected if she still thinks Hope is after her husband... She thinks so because Hope admitted she had a crush on him after Thomas left her and because of a drunken kiss? I guess it helps her sleep better at night to assume the whole world revolves around her and that Hope must want her husband at all cost. Finn is just as self-centered and self-absorbed if he is going along with Steffy's reasoning and condones abusive firings. She can keep her lapdog on a leash, nobody wants him. Nobody else wants her either, apparently even Liam has moved on.

Since when is sleeping with a boyfriend in a design office a valid motive for dismissal? Every employees (starting with Ridge) would be jobless if it was true. And then EVEN IF Hope was wearing this lingerie in order to try to seduce Finn, it still makes Steffy a bleak hypocrite. She didn't only kiss Hope's husband. She flat out slept with him on Finn's couch, belived she was carrying his baby and told him she will love him for the rest of her life. Before that, she spent years throwing herself at Liam when he was with Hope or Ivy. What consequence she did suffer? When is she going to pay for the cruel role she played in Thomas and Hope's breakup? A single drunk Hope kissing Finn once is trivial in comparison. If Hope deserves to lose her line and her job, Steffy deserves an unreturnable life long ban from the every FC offices.

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