Why was Finn in the HFTF office?

matisse, 11/29/2024, 6:02PM(8 days ago) @GLFan

Exactly. And Brooke and Hope and Katie seem to make themselves at home constantly, and they are barely employees.

Actually, Brooke/Hope/Katie all work for FC for many years and Finn is NOT. Big big difference.

Liam is the one who doesn’t work there but shows up.

Well he is kind of vital to FC. He runs EOF and is VP of SP. he can ruin FC in a blink of an eye if he wanted to, so, he is very important to them. And, he is the father to Steffy’s daughter, and Hope’s daughter. Finn is NOT Kelly’s dad, no matter how many times he says it to people. LOL. The 2 people that have no business being there other than to pick up or drop off kids, is pathetic Taylor trying to get a glimpse of Brooke’s partner, or wimpy Finn being his wife’s personal assistant.

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