Why was Finn in the HFTF office?

PatriotGirl @, 11/29/2024, 5:52PM(8 days ago) @Kammie- one person liked this


The thing is Finn was an intruder in Hope's space. That woman he is married to was not in that office and he knew it. It did not matter if someone told him the last place they saw her was in the design office. The fact is Steffy was not there and if he had eyes he could tell it. The brainless jellyfish could not even be certain that she would return to that office. More than likely since it was Hope's office and not Steffy's, she would not even return to that office.... I do not care if he wanted to leave a note in Hope's office for Steffy, the fact is Steffy has her own office and that would be the place she would return to. He could even have left the tablet and a note at the reception office. When he is at the hospital, isnt that where he would check his own messages? Why wouldn't she check hers there as well...

Finn's head has enlarged with meat and he now thinks he is Gods gift to women and all women want him. One drunken kiss made Hope realize that she had kissed a toad and she threw him back in the swamp for the barracuda to eat.

It is not Hope's office. That office does not belong to her exclusively. It is a shared workspace for everyone on the design teams. And it is not meant to be used as a room for sex between employees whenever the mood strikes. Her inability to control her libido in the workplace brought this entire mess into existence. She is nothing but a stupid horny twit.

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