Why was Finn in the HFTF office?

GracieGirl, 11/29/2024, 5:15PM(8 days ago) @howeveryouknow

Was it an emergency? Most people who visit people in the job in their spouses office? It just dawned on me that it is Finn who was intruding. That office has a divider where people often try on clothing. Finn shouldn’t be roaming around offices.

Finn was NOT intruding. He is married to the CEO of the establishment and has every right to be there. As such, he can roam the premises as he pleases. Steffy, Liam, Ridge, Brooke, Hope, and Thomas have all visited Finn in his office at the hospital, despite none of them working in the medical field or being involved in the business of saving lives.

Finn was informed by another employee, Lainey, that Steffy would be working in the design office—a SHARED COMMUNAL SPACE used by everyone. The room was left unlocked, and Finn, clearly in a rush on his way to work, planned to leave a note attached to the tablet for Steffy. This was a helpful and thoughtful gesture. Additionally, the employee was correct, as the only reason Steffy caught Hope on top of Finn was that she was truly heading to the design office; Finn had only arrived a few minutes earlier than she did.

Moreover, why does it matter that Finn was in the office? Anyone could have walked into that space, and Hope’s behavior would still have been inappropriate. Why didn’t Hope lock the door before changing (especially since she wanted to hide her relationship and they've been walked on multiple times before)? Why did she choose to seduce the COO in an unlocked office—a space used by multiple people, including interns—instead of focusing on reviving her failing line? Why couldn’t she admit to being in a relationship with Carter?

Why, when Finn caught her in lingerie, did Hope walk toward him instead of turning away? Hope made a series of foolish decisions that led to her current predicament. Finn is NOT in the wrong here.

I have been in charge and worked with others who have been in charge and at no time could spouses walk wherever they want.

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