
doesn't hope have her own place?

Drangonfly @, 10/31/2024, 4:19PM(37 days ago) @Celeste

Apparently it doesn't matter at FC. Ridge for first is making out all the time or leaves the workplace to clean his ex wife chakras

People having sex at FC has never been an issue, at least not as long as I've been watching. Most of them have done it. And that's not what the issue is here, either. It's that Steffy thinks Hope went against her demand to stay away from her husband.

I guess Hope is going to stay quiet, to protect Carter. It will be interesting to see what Carter's reaction will be to this. Today he said that Hope and Brooke will always be protected. I wonder if he'll start a new company with them or maybe do a hostile takeover of FC.

Anyway, the story doesn't end here. There's lots of ways it could go. I hope it ends with Steffy being knocked down a peg. She's so nasty. She and her mother.

"I love you more than anything or anyone in the world. And I want you by my side for the rest of my life."

"You're the love of my life."

Liam to Hope. Debate over.

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