
doesn't hope have her own place?

Drangonfly @, 10/31/2024, 4:13PM(37 days ago) @Julia Andrew

If this is "having fun in the office" the logical consequence for me is "having fun in losing your job".
I am sorry, I like you posts, allthough we are rooting for different characters, but in this case I can't see how "having some fun in the office" is more important than the job you have to do and in Hope's case more important than the line which identifize her.
Steffy is not to blame for Hope's inappropriate behaviour on her work place.
Someone should seriously remind her or instruct her or whatever: Hope, you are at this office TO WORK!

But Steffy isn't firing Hope because she's fooling around at the office. She's firing her because she thinks she's trying to seduce Finn. Which she isn't.

"I love you more than anything or anyone in the world. And I want you by my side for the rest of my life."

"You're the love of my life."

Liam to Hope. Debate over.

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