doesn't hope have her own place?

GLFan, 10/30/2024, 6:27PM(106 days ago) @Drangonfly

if she wants to prance around in her underwear, just do it at home
she keeps using that office for her personal romps, it's stupid

That would mean she’d actually have to work at work though, and that’s not how she rolls.

Trying on clothing is part of her work. She didn't expect that idiot Finn be looking for Steffy in the wrong office. This stupid plot is all just so Steffy can throw another major temper tantrum and making false accusations of what she thought she saw.:roll

Lingerie is not part of her line.

Doesn't mean she can't try them's a fashion house after all.

She was trying it on because she wants to bang Carter. There was no work involved here.

To each their own.

Hope's own is was to bang Carter wearing her mommy's nighty! :rofl

And her mommy's nighty line is paying Steffy's undeserving salary!:rofl

Hope is getting her more than undeserving salary paid by mommy's nighties! Hope is such a dope thinking that she can putting on mommy's nighties at work and use the desk to bang the COO and not get caught!:lol :rofl

Nah..doesn't change my opinion of dopey Sinn.:rules

So funny! No direction change can make Hope look any better right now! :gasp

Hope looks just fine. She did nothing wrong. She's not using Carter, like Steffy accused her of. She didn't hit on Finn, like Steffy will accuse her of. She's having a little fun. Big whoop! Steffy is the one that will misinterpret the situation and flex her bully muscles and look like the tyrant that she is. :tv6

Hope was JUST warned by her mommy to be careful and avoid the PDA in the office. Hope''s line is in shambles and all she can think of is to have a little fun and bang Carter in the office during the middle of the day. She looks SO bad, she deserves to lose her line at this point.

Like I said...big whoop. Hope will look bad when she turns into a person that bullies and threatens people. Having fun at the office, like every other person that works at FC, is nothing. It's par for the course, in that building.

When their work is tanking that’s how they spend the day? I don’t think so. I remember Brooke and Ridge in the steam room on the daily when things were going fine and dandy. Finn or Carter, who cares. Hope’s line is failing and she’s thinking about having sex instead of doing her job. She deserves to be fired.

Ridge and Brooke were having sex in the office last month. Should they be fired, too? Right where anyone could walk in and see, which Steffy did. We see Hope doing her job all the time. She took time out to be naughty. Big deal.

I don't think the big take-away from this episode was Hope being caught getting ready to have sex. It's that Steffy is going to misinterpret it. Either she'll cut Hope's line or fire her because she thinks she was coming on to Finn. Or Hope will tell her it was Carter she was waiting for and then Carter will be fired, too. And who knows what will happen, then. It's possible Carter will then do one of these hostile take overs he's been talking about.

I just don't think getting busted for having sex at FC is a big deal. Or that it's supposed to be THE story.

I don't think that’s the story either. I think it’s to expose her relationship with Carter. I don’t honestly remember Bridge having actual sex in the office last month, but if they did…again, their work is going fine, Brooke just had the BBL success, Hope’s isn't. Hope’s line is failing and she has been given a time extension. Time for work, not sex. Funny how supervisors kind of expect people to work at work.

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