
doesn't hope have her own place?

Zaneygray, 10/30/2024, 3:34PM(106 days ago) @hopeyougogirl

Yes Hope needs to take it to her house. But Finn's reaction and "GET OFF ME!" was priceless.
He is so not into Hope :rofl

Nor is Hope into him. She had her finger all rolled up trying to not touch him either. It is really priceless that Finn would think Hope had any idea that he would be there. Finn really is stupid.

Hope is the stupid one for not knowing how to lock a door when she's horny..

Finn is the stupid one for forgetting where his wife's office is..leaving a note in the design office.:rofl What a dope!

The dope is Hope for dressing up to bang Carter in the office (after being warned yet again by mommy!)

Nah..the dope is Finn went into the WRONG office to begin with. Maybe he thought Steffy got demoted into the design office?:-D

Sure, blame Finn! BAHAHA!!! Hope never learns!:rofl :rofl

No, it's all Hope's fault that stupid Finn went into the wrong office.:drunk :rofl

For once Hope should have listened to her mommy!!!:drunk :drunk Hope is toast!

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