doesn't hope have her own place?

Soapygirl54, 10/30/2024, 3:23PM(85 days ago) @hopeyougogirl

if she wants to prance around in her underwear, just do it at home
she keeps using that office for her personal romps, it's stupid

That would mean she’d actually have to work at work though, and that’s not how she rolls.

Trying on clothing is part of her work. She didn't expect that idiot Finn be looking for Steffy in the wrong office. This stupid plot is all just so Steffy can throw another major temper tantrum and making false accusations of what she thought she saw.:roll

What she thought she saw? :rofl

Stupid Steffy thinks she saw Hope trying to seduce her husband..she couldn't be more wrong.:rofl

I'm sure when she tells Steffy that it was a mix up, she thought Finn was Carter, all will be forgiven. Hope needs to get a room.

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