
Question about Hope

Drangonfly @, 10/1/2024, 6:53PM(134 days ago) @Lizzy54

Interpretation varies I guess ..but I think Hope would do any man in pants who compliments her this is the new Hope

I think you are wrong.

Very wrong indeed.
Hope slept with 3 men all her life...Liam, Wyatt, Thomas...and with no man since Thomas left.
If she were so needy she would already have tried to get some other men as Finn is not interested.
But she didn´t even trie to get Carter now, it was the other way round...Carter mentioned he was thinking of Hope in lingerie, which was a bit overstepping...Hope reacted by making fun of it but not by offering to show him her underwear...

I agree. Hope did make fun of it and didn’t encourage Carter at all

You didn't think she was flirting with carter?
I thought it looked like mutual fun flirting
Initiated by carter of course

Yes, they talked flirty and seemed to have fun. But during the banter I never saw either of them going further, trying to get nearer, like waiting to be kissed or hugged.
Actually there was a distance between them, bodily. There was no touching. No sign that Hope "would do any man in pants" like the OP said.

Agree. It was innocent flirting. And why not? Hope and Carter are both attractive people. There was no hint that they were going to do anything at any time in their scenes. So, there goes the theory that Hope would have sex with anyone who compliments her. And Carter was wearing pants, so there goes that theory, too.

Hope was very sexual when she was with Thomas. That's how their relationship was. Lots of sexual energy. There's no law against that and it doesn't make Hope a bad person and it doesn't make her promiscuous.

"I love you more than anything or anyone in the world. And I want you by my side for the rest of my life."

"You're the love of my life."

Liam to Hope. Debate over.

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