Question about Hope

hopeyougogirl, 10/1/2024, 3:31PM(106 days ago) @Ilovebizzie

The Leffy ONS was such a crap writing move by the writers when they were just establishing Sinn. I feel like they’ve never let Liam fully be out of this relationship and it is a bone of contention for me.

But Finn forgave Steffy because she was drinking and they were in a new relationship. I think he understood that Steffy still clung in some way to her old life. She had the portrait to prove it but she took it down finally. Finn was patient.

He knew Steffy had been addicted to pills so he probably knew she had some addiction to Liam too and he helped her get out of it.

So I thought.

With that picture for this week, now I don’t know.

Not buying these excuses. Point was Finn KNOWS she has a cheating history..she so easily cheated on a loyal Finn for no good reason..she cheated on Liam with his father. What makes him so sure that she will never cheat on him again???? Given the fact the audience already knows that she's keeping her 2 cheating Leffy kisses a secret from Finn right now. She's pure trash. And a major hypocrite..since she expected Finn to always be honest with her, but she herself can't even do the same in return..she has no respect for him to even come clean like he did. JMO.

Shown on screen, Steffy blackmailed Bill. Yet, she told Ivy (and Liam too) that “blackmail is a crime”. Per Steffy’s own words, she IS a criminal cuz she has blackmailed.

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