Question about Hope

Sammy @, 9/30/2024, 9:55PM(107 days ago) @hopeyougogirl- 2 people liked this

I don’t watch the show daily so can someone answer a question please
Is Hope actually still reliving that drunken peck she put on Finn? When I watch I don’t see any interest in Finn. So is Hope actually thinking of the goofy kiss daily, weekly or never?
A lot of accusations and I just want to know
is they are true
Thank you

No, she doesn't have the flashback daily. She's NOT even stalking Finn everywhere he goes at all. Steffy is just a paranoid, insecure twit who's needy IMO.

Exactly. There are no flash backs, Hope stays away from Finn. The singer was standing next to Finn, Hope had previously looked at him, he is said to be a major celebrity and she is a fan. My money is on Hope was looking as him and not Finn. It is logical.

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