Taylor, the light of everyone's lives lol

hopeyougogirl, 9/30/2024, 8:23PM(115 days ago) @Viola- one person liked this

Steffy is hilarious. She thinks that Ridge's excitement about Brooke's bedroom line was about her mom. lol If anything she just spoiled the fun for him with her dramatic fall because she just had to stalk Ridge and Brooke and overhear that they will have some sexy time at home. Her little, pathetic heart couldn't handle it. When Steffy said Taylor is the light of their lives I had flashbacks of all of Taylor's crazy moments that dragged her family into chaos like drunk driving and killing Darla, sleeping with strangers and crying about it during AA meetings, using her kids to fight with Brooke by telling them a fake story about how her break up with Ridge went down and of course shooting Bill, allowing Ridge to rot in jail for it and later destroying Steffy's life with her paranoia. She brought so much misery and darkness into the lives of her own kids that it's disgusting. Before someone will say "but Brooke and Deacon"... Well, yea, it was wrong, but Brooke is not the one called the light of everyone's lives. lol Brooke is also definitely more bubbly and pleasant than the Quack with all her moaning and hypocrisy.
Steffy is definitely still going to push mommy and daddy to be together. One thing I loved about today's show is that Will said "I am not a kid anymore" and explained that his mom doesn't have to be with his dad for him. While Will is mostly concerned about his mothers happiness Steffy would gladly force her parents reunion despite the fact that she would condemn Taylor to a life with a man that prefers another and her father to a life with his second choice just so she and her psycho brother could have mama and dada at one home. She's so selfish and immature.

Because selfish, immature Steffy is all about her me me me attitude and what SHE wants! She never cared that daddy is in love with Brooke..she just wants to "win" over the big bad Logans at all costs..and that's why this nasty twit told Thomas that they must rid of Brooke once and for all.

Will is a lot younger than a married Steffy with kids..but he's much more mature than delusional Steffy who thinks the world revolves around her only.:drunk

Shown on screen, Steffy blackmailed Bill. Yet, she told Ivy (and Liam too) that “blackmail is a crime”. Per Steffy’s own words, she IS a criminal cuz she has blackmailed.

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