
Question about Hope

Zaneygray, 9/30/2024, 4:59PM(115 days ago) @Sammy- one person liked this

I don’t watch the show daily so can someone answer a question please
Is Hope actually still reliving that drunken peck she put on Finn? When I watch I don’t see any interest in Finn. So is Hope actually thinking of the goofy kiss daily, weekly or never?
A lot of accusations and I just want to know
is they are true
Thank you

Accusations? Hardly. Opinions, sure. The best way to form your opinion is to go and watch. Hope has been thinking of her forced kiss on Finn multiple times. After today though I don't know that it is necessarily interest in Finn. More like interest in someone that has said nice things to her (because he is nice). Hope is desperate. She told Carter, "It's been so long -- at least SOMEONE'S thinking about me in underwear." and now she is drooling in Carter's direction since he is telling her nice things and fueling ego (not to mention, the possible saving of her line).

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