
Ridge made me laugh out loud

Viola, 9/4/2024, 5:26PM(162 days ago) @hopeyougogirl

LOL B&B became a true comedy for me. Seriously I watch and laugh. Ridge seriously asked who kisses a married man?! Hello?! He is standing in front of a woman that had no problem kissing him and more when he was married to Brooke. He remembers Monaco? Aspen? Does he maybe remember how he kissed married women or raped his brothers wife? The hypocrisy is just growing stronger with each episode.

IKR? Hilarious..he forgot his own trashy daughter kissed a married Liam and MORE on that drunken night. Tridge made me laugh too when they went on and on about how great their princess daughter is..she's just so wonderful never done wrong.:drunk

Deep down they wish she would be more like Hope. lol

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