The Bulldozers Are Lined Up Outside

kikilucy, 9/4/2024, 4:13PM(161 days ago) @hopeyougogirl

Luna said it. That building is coming down. Finn and Steffy are celebrating but she's still locked in that cage and he doesn't have a key. It's more than likely that the building implodes with them inside it. There has to be a payoff to all the incessant talk of demo-ing that building.

The building couldn't come down on the dullest Sinn fast enough for this viewer. What a lame a$$, cheesiest reunion of a stupid couple that never broke up in the first place! Just a witchy wife who had to throw a temper tantrum because her toddler husband didn't obey her, so she had to run away like a true coward right into that cage.:rofl Grand love Sinn? More like a grand joke Sinn imo.

This post is just too funny and I couldn't agree more!:lol

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