Hope could have called Steffy

Barbybo, 8/1/2024, 9:37AM(195 days ago) @lynnsmom

This is not 1978 and Hope is not part of a Hertz commercial.

When will Steffy ever be held accountable for her irresponsibility? Steffy was the one careless with her documents, not HOPE. Heck this show has already shown that if you are a Taylor kid, you do not have to be responsible for your carelessness, recklessness, malice, and misdeeds.

The show held Steffy accountable one time - when Ridge reprimanded her for publicly humiliating Hope with that Ho sign. She has never experienced the public humiliation and ridicule that Brooke has faced. Steffy typically is allowed to be the victim ot she loses Liam in some dramatic fashion for her own decisions. However, Steffy rarely if ever is embarrassed in a meeting or in the news rags or is exposed in a way that it’s her fault.

Yep, every single one of Brooke’s “indiscretions” just HAD to be made public. And Hope had some public backlash. Yet Steffy, who had sex with a BIL and a FIL in a year and a half, then needed two paternity tests within like 2 years, never had anything come out in the public. It is so ridiculous. Steffy was all about how Ridge just HAD to know that Bill kissed Brooke, yet has she bothered to tell Finn that Liam kissed her multiple times? The hypocrisy is astounding.

I don’t even know why Brooke bothers with Brooke at all ..they don’t like each other what does it matter ..she should just show respect to her elders be cordial that’s all..Steffys got it all Finn family money house just be happy…writers keep rewinding same baloney

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