Hope could have called Steffy

Joy, 7/31/2024, 7:51PM(176 days ago) @Heelerchow- one person liked this

If he really wanted to get the passport to Steffy, she could’ve easily called her while Stephanie was still in the building. I guess that wouldn’t have made for a very good storyline though.

It is Steffy's responsibility to keep up with her passport. Even though Hope owes Steffy absolutely nothing, Hope tried to get it to her in time. Steffy just closed the elevator door in her face. Steffy wouldn't have taken Hope's call or said something catty and hung up before Hope could tell her. By the time Steffy would have checked her text, she would have probably been aware of not having her passport. I don't blame Hope for not going any further after the way Steffy has treated her. I wouldn't have blamed Hope if she saw the passport on Steffy's desk and just laughed instead of trying to get it to her. Would Steffy had went to that much trouble if Brooke had forgotten her passport? Steffy probably would have hidden it if Brooke had laid hers down in front of Steffy. That is Steffy's style.

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