Finally got to watch today’s show

GracieGirl, 7/10/2024, 1:24PM(218 days ago) @Sammy- one person liked this

Let me express my thoughts :puke :puke
The whole thing at Steffy’s was puke worthy. First, what heck was Steffy wearing. Did she just come in from her hooker job? That was the worse of the worse.
Then Paris needs to shut up about Hope. It isn’t her concern and should not talk about Hope with Steffy. Why the need? Doesn’t concern Steffy and should only be a thing with Thomas. They sure shouldn’t discuss Hope in front of Douglas. Paris was out of line. Steffy is always out of line
I don’t usually ever like this but Steffy deserves some real hurt and it just might be Finn and Hope. I will :rofl :rofl
Now Ridge. Donna, Eric and Brooke were just talking about Hope. They have a right to talk but Ridge is over there blowing his top. Just reminded me I hate this Ridge.

Well Paris didn’t talk about Hope in front of Douglas I didn’t think. If she did that’s wrong. All she is saying is that Hope is so hurt which seems to be what everyone is talking about and it’s inappropriate at some level and boring.

Some of them are even Hope is surprised by her reaction and she said as much to Finn. She asked do I want him because I no longer can have him because when I had him why couldn’t I marry him? Ridge is just being practical. He wants Thomas to have a normal life. The Logan’s understandably are worried about Hope with Brooke especially concerned that Hope will do something crazy. She has reason to be concerned. What surprises me is how resigned Thomas is to the situation. That tells me he’s done trying for now. He wants to be with someone who is excited to be with him. He feels at peace and normal. He realizes he can’t deal with the ups and downs of Hope. Most people I think don’t t want to drag someone to the altar of matrimony. I found yesterday boring but I wish Hope had someone else to talk with than Finn. She and Katie need to talk because they are walking down same path and may get some insights.

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