Abusive Tridge Siblings

fan87, 7/10/2024, 8:49AM(218 days ago) @Viola

I don't know what the writers were even thinking when they made Thomas test Hope with a proposal. It was so emotionally abusive. Later we could hear Thomas expressing how concerned he is for Hope. Excuse me? Nobody concerned would play mind games with someone that grieves a break up with them. I'm glad Hope finally realized that maybe she doesn't want Thomas if she just can't say yes to him. Finn is right. It was always about the "one woman man" thing. Hopefully we will see Hope moving on now.
About Steffy: I understand she wants to see her brother happy and I even understand why she doesn't want him with Hope. Telling Thomas to move on from Hope is one thing, but calling Hope the S word for rejecting her brother's proposal and encouraging him to leave with Hope's son is disgusting. To make things worse she just did it again. She wants Thomas to take Douglas from Hope permanently. She wants a woman whose daughter was sold before to lose a son... She's just evil. She acts like Hope would be this villain in their lives, but the reality is that Hope has way more reasons to hate Steffy than Steffy has reasons to hate Hope. Steffy is basically angry with Hope for being a Logan and for not giving up when Steffy tried to destroy her.
Steffy also seems to be feeding Li her Logan hatred. Maybe Hope should take a page out of Steffy's book and tell Li Steffy's past? I bet Li would be so happy to hear what a woman she is currently worshipping.

I am so sick of Hope being abused by Ridge and his brats. Hope’s connection with that family has done nothing but bring her down. Heck, even RJ wasn’t concerned with Hope and her feelings. Brooke is always gonna step in line to keep Ridge, so who does Hope really have? Douglas has also forgotten how Hope sacrificed a lot for him. I’m just sick of all if it honestly. Hope needs a whole new life, take Beth and start over!

I had high hopes when RJ first came back and gave Thomas a warning about not abusing his sister and mother, but now? RJ talks with Thomas and Steffy normally and doesn't react to anything wrong they do. I would understand why RJ wouldn't react much to Thomas moving on from Hope, but he didn't care Steffy called Hope the S word and he didn't care that Steffy still hates on the Logans openly. If RJ doesn't react because he isn't allowed to know then it's so lame... A waste of potential good drama.

Yes, I felt Hope finally had a sibling but no, he’s his father’s son too.

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