Sincere question- What was the point of Thope?
Was Thope to destroy Lope?
Was Thope to redeem Thomas?
Was Thope to let Steffy win again?
Was Thope to destroy Hope?It feels very similar to so many of the storylines Brooke was involved in over the years, where she was torn down or had her character destroyed, simply to watch her struggle to get back up. Is Hope the new Brooke?
All of the above. Hope was boring as Little Hope on the Prairie. Thomas was disgusting and they needed to do something to fix the damage they did to him. Lope had been solid for 4 years and they were in a rut. Steffy needed a win, because they had killed her husband, left her in a coma, inflicted her with Sheila, and all her parent trapping ended up with Taylor being humiliated again.So, now Hope is on the same footing with everyone else, she is a cheater and a user, and no longer will she ever be a one man woman again. Thomas was redeemed by being rejected by Hope over and over and he did not lose his mind. Liam is being redeemed because of SC's hiatus. Liam is now working on being a better father, man and son. He has made no moves toward Steffy since November 2023, and he has not done anything wrong. Steffy got a win by ending the disgusting Thope and she finally got a save for her family, she failed with her dad and Taylor, but right now she has a win with Thomas and Doug.
So basically it was about sacrificing Hope. I know the actress is wonderful and she’s definitely blossomed and gotten accolades, but as a Hope fan, it’s growing harder to watch. As I said, it feels like what they did to Brooke and that was exhausting. Maybe it’s Steffy’s turn again, because they have made her insufferable lately. One would think her hardships would make her a better person, near death experiences usually make people better, but it just made her more vicious.
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/9/2024, 11:09PM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/10/2024, 12:10AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? - fan87, 7/10/2024, 7:02AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/10/2024, 9:31AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? - lynnsmom, 7/10/2024, 9:38AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? - fan87, 7/10/2024, 11:10AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/10/2024, 12:41AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/10/2024, 7:06AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/10/2024, 9:32AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? - lynnsmom, 7/10/2024, 9:40AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? - fan87, 7/10/2024, 11:11AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/10/2024, 1:14PM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/10/2024, 8:23PM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/10/2024, 8:34PM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? - fan87, 7/10/2024, 9:04PM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/10/2024, 8:34PM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/10/2024, 8:23PM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/10/2024, 9:32AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/10/2024, 7:06AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/10/2024, 1:19AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? - fan87, 7/10/2024, 7:07AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/10/2024, 9:25AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/10/2024, 9:33AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? - GLFan, 7/10/2024, 10:37AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/10/2024, 11:12AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/10/2024, 10:30PM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? - fan87, 7/11/2024, 7:00AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/10/2024, 10:30PM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/10/2024, 9:33AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/10/2024, 9:05PM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? - fan87, 7/11/2024, 7:01AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/11/2024, 8:57AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/11/2024, 9:11AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/11/2024, 9:38AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/11/2024, 9:51AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/11/2024, 10:31AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? - fan87, 7/11/2024, 10:38AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/11/2024, 10:31AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/11/2024, 9:51AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/11/2024, 9:38AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/11/2024, 11:03AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/11/2024, 11:08AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/11/2024, 11:14AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/11/2024, 11:39AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? - hopeyougogirl, 7/11/2024, 12:00PM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/11/2024, 11:39AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/11/2024, 11:14AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/11/2024, 11:08AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/11/2024, 9:11AM
- Sincere question- What was the point of Thope? -
7/10/2024, 12:10AM