
Please for the love of God NO HINN

Foreverbeauty, 7/10/2024, 6:36AM(217 days ago) @Sinn4Ever
edited by Foreverbeauty, 7/10/2024, 6:41AM

The thought of them seriously makes me ill. ZERO chemistry!!! I know they keep talking about the right man is right in front of her and that she’s going to find someone soon and I know they’re just trying to make us think it’s going to be HINN but I pray to God it’s not. What I want more than anything is for Wyatt to come back and HOTT to finally have a chance.

It’s the opposite for me.

After seeing those fantasies and daydreams
Hope was having about Finn on the show.

I’m all for Hope and Finn. I want them to be a couple.

Hope treats Finn a lot better than Steffy.

Hope and Wyatt were a beautiful couple.

I don’t see the writers revisiting them.

Since he is no longer on the show.

I hope Wyatt is currently with Flo in Las Vegas.

The best part about Flo is that she never had romantic feelings or interest for Liam

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