Finally got to watch today’s show

Sammy @, 7/10/2024, 3:37AM(219 days ago) @Julia Andrew

I feel the same way, when Finn allows himself to ah... "discuss" Thomas. I am sooo sick of him brainwashing Hope, how Thomas isn't good enough for her!:grrr
Who the hell he thinks he is???
NOT a price for sure!!!
Thomas has NEVER badmouthed Finn! Never!
And even after all her rejections he is understanding and gentle to Hope.
Finn actually knows NOTHING about the THOPE relationship!
I agree that Steffy should back off, but so should Finn!!!

You are current, Finn does not know Thomas. What he should be doing is getting to know his wife. Even when he hears some of the nasty things Steffy says about Hope, he says nothing
What is his purpose exactly?

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