Since Liam is living at Bill's... (Spoilers)

hopeyougogirl, 6/11/2024, 9:47AM(218 days ago) @Drangonfly

...and Luna and Poppy are moving in, I wonder if the "cool story" SC said Liam is getting that is away from Hope and Steffy will be Liam becoming suspicious of Poppy.

Is there a feasible way Poppy could have altered the test when we know that Li brought it and administered it? Maybe Li altered it?

Maybe he said it's a "cool story" because it's not the typical ping pong between Hope and Steffy. LOL. Whatever it is I think it's probably just interactions with his new sister Luna and maybe Poppy too.

That sounds boring, though. No drama there. Do you think it's possible Poppy really is after Bill's money?

Sometimes the actors will claim whatever just to get the viewers to tune in imo, so his "cool story" may be a nothing burger lol. I don't think Poppy is a gold digger..I think the show is just setting up a new triangle of Poppy/Bill/Katie.

Shown on screen, Steffy blackmailed Bill. Yet, she told Ivy (and Liam too) that “blackmail is a crime”. Per Steffy’s own words, she IS a criminal cuz she has blackmailed.

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