Since Liam is living at Bill's... (Spoilers)

hopeyougogirl, 6/11/2024, 9:41AM(218 days ago) @B&Bfan1980- one person liked this

...and Luna and Poppy are moving in, I wonder if the "cool story" SC said Liam is getting that is away from Hope and Steffy will be Liam becoming suspicious of Poppy.

Is there a feasible way Poppy could have altered the test when we know that Li brought it and administered it? Maybe Li altered it?

So I think it's possible that she somehow altered it when Li was telling her Sheila story the camera was not on her at all. I don’t think it was Li. The thing about it bring feasible is that a test like this doesn’t even exist so really they could say anything.

I do think this is the story he is referring to. Several people in the cast have mentioned a story that involves a lot of people,

The camera may not showed Poppy during Li's storytelling, but that doesn't mean she was not standing by Luna the entire time which I believe she was standing next to Luna the whole time..and the camera did show all three Bill, Luna, Poppy standing together at the very end scene too. Even if Poppy tried to move towards the test and somehow alter it..Li would definitely have noticed and call Poppy out right she does NOT trust Poppy at all! JMO.

Shown on screen, Steffy blackmailed Bill. Yet, she told Ivy (and Liam too) that “blackmail is a crime”. Per Steffy’s own words, she IS a criminal cuz she has blackmailed.

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