annika noelle on hope and finn (Spoilers)

matisse, 6/11/2024, 12:19AM(248 days ago) @GracieGirl

Not at all interested. I’m about ready to cancel Hope and Steffy since show can’t seem to write anything but have them at odds over a man. I do not like this anymore than Hope v Steffy for Liam.

It won't last long....this is the road back to Lope, the rebuild. Liam is already showing growth, Hope was doing OK after Tom left, until the last 2 weeks. If the headaches are a benign brain tumor, then Finn can fix her, Steffy can feel like crap for being so hard on her, and Liam can step up and be by Hope's side as she recovers. If that were the case, I am betting she would not remember much after any surgery and would find it awful to find out she actually cheated on Liam with someone like Tom. JMO

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