Since Liam is living at Bill's... (Spoilers)

B&Bfan1980, 6/10/2024, 10:38PM(248 days ago) @Drangonfly

...and Luna and Poppy are moving in, I wonder if the "cool story" SC said Liam is getting that is away from Hope and Steffy will be Liam becoming suspicious of Poppy.

Is there a feasible way Poppy could have altered the test when we know that Li brought it and administered it? Maybe Li altered it?

So I think it's possible that she somehow altered it when Li was telling her Sheila story the camera was not on her at all. I don’t think it was Li. The thing about it bring feasible is that a test like this doesn’t even exist so really they could say anything.

I do think this is the story he is referring to. Several people in the cast have mentioned a story that involves a lot of people,

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