updated dailies for this week (Spoilers)

hopeyougogirl, 6/10/2024, 7:06PM(247 days ago) @theduchess

poppy and luna move into the spencer estate;
steffy flips when she witnesses finn and hope share a moment.

bill introduces liam and luna as siblings
steffy lays down the law to finn;
katie pays an unexpected visit to poppy.

hope drops a bombshell confession on brooke.

hope turns to finn in a time of need
steffy is stunned when ridge presents the plan for his next fashion collection and brooke’s expanded role in the company.

katie challenges bill and poppy on their past
brooke is forced to keep a secret.

Let me guess..whiny Steffy to Finn: I can cheat on you, keep secrets from you, but don't you dare do the same in return..or I will take the kids run to Europe just to punish you! It's our marriage, but it's MY rules and you simply obey!:drunk

Shown on screen, Steffy blackmailed Bill. Yet, she told Ivy (and Liam too) that “blackmail is a crime”. Per Steffy’s own words, she IS a criminal cuz she has blackmailed.

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