
Steffy projecting

Viola, 6/10/2024, 5:52PM(247 days ago)- 5 people liked this

She's angry because Hope held Finn's hand, but she cuddles with the man that gave her two (almost 3) kisses behind Finn's back and she continues to discuss her marital problems with that guy too. lol
She remembers what she did to Jackie, Katie, Hope, Ivy and she really doesn't want the same thing to happen to her. I find that very amusing.
By now Hope only thought about Finn and as far as I know it's not a crime. Steffy better pray that Hope doesn't start dancing around half naked by Finn, doesn't ask him to have sex with her and think about Steffy, doesn't always follow him like a dog to be there after every argument Sinn have to tell him how he deserves better. She better hopes that Hope doesn't team up with Sheila to scheme in order to break her and Finn up. All of that sounds familiar, right?
Hope is definitely acting weird and it's clear she has problems, but by now she didn't do any move on Finn.

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