Really, Finn??

hopeyougogirl, 5/27/2024, 1:16AM(262 days ago) @rexitaliano

Yes Steffy went to Sheila and talked to Sheila.Told her that she won't let her fool anyone anymore with the claim that she changed.Steffy was leaving when Sheila took the gun, Steffy turned around and Sheila shot her.

The only time Steffy started any physical confrontation was the day she came back from rome and went to see Sheila and punched her.Sheila provokes Steffy.She refuses to atay away from Steffy's family.Steffy VERBALLY confronts her, Sheila uses deadly violence

Actually, SHEILA was the one tried to leave after Steffy confronted her first, but Steffy followed Sheila into the dark alley. Lmao!

And Steffy was shown confronted Sheila inside Sheila's home MORE than once. Twice violent Steffy went over ended up punching her..then when Sheila was found alive, Steffy went over to confront her AGAIN. Steffy's the one that won't leave Sheila alone, yet she demands Finn to stay far away from Sheila.:drunk

Shown on screen, Steffy blackmailed Bill. Yet, she told Ivy (and Liam too) that “blackmail is a crime”. Per Steffy’s own words, she IS a criminal cuz she has blackmailed.

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