Liam and Hope

fan87, 5/26/2024, 5:55PM(262 days ago) @matisse- one person liked this

Looking at old episodes of Band B Hope has forgiven Liam so many times for running back to Steffy that I believe after the last time when Liam slept with Steffy after Liam thought Hope was kissing Thomas that was the beginning of the end of that marriage. She found out that there was another man that would only love her and only her and she found that in Thomas. Even is she does not end up with Thomas I do not see her running back to Liam.

Except, Thomas’s “love” for her isn’t healthy given he was obsessed with her for too many years. That is why he’s still so fixated on making her his wife..she rejected his final proposal and he threw a tantrum then left. LOL.

I think Tom is learning. Hope’s love is wavering, and he cannot trust it. Hope loves attention and when someone screws up, she expects them to walk on hot coals to make it up to her. Hope cried and carried on about how hurt Tom looked when she rejected him again, yet she did not go after him to make sure he was alright and tell him she was in love with him, just not ready to marry again.

Hope forgave Liam SO many times it was ridiculous! She didn’t go after Thomas because she’s not ready to be married again and I understand that.

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