Liam and Hope

matisse, 5/26/2024, 5:30PM(234 days ago) @Bellapants

Looking at old episodes of Band B Hope has forgiven Liam so many times for running back to Steffy that I believe after the last time when Liam slept with Steffy after Liam thought Hope was kissing Thomas that was the beginning of the end of that marriage. She found out that there was another man that would only love her and only her and she found that in Thomas. Even is she does not end up with Thomas I do not see her running back to Liam.

The problem for Hope is Tom chooses Steffy over her when pressed. He did it when he said the reason he didn’t tell her Beth was alive was because it would break Steffy’s heart. Talk about choosing Steffy first. LOL. He did it when he dumped her and said Steffy was right about Hope. So no, Tom is not a man that will love her and only her. And it is stupid of her to think any man or woman that has a family should think such a thing. Tom loves his sister, mother and father and son too. Tom also is loyal to his sister because he trusts her love for him.

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