Really, Finn??

Dreamgirl, 5/26/2024, 2:16PM(262 days ago) @GLFan

Sheila shot you point blank. When Steffy was calling 911, she threatened Steffy’s life, intending for you to die, to save herself. She shot your wife point blank, picked your pockets and left you for dead on trash bags in an alley. When she found out Steffy survived, she made two attempts to finish her off. When she found you alive, she ran your mother off the road and held you captive. For most people this would be a deal breaker, especially given that she tried to kill the woman you claim to love above all else. But not you Finn. You actually want your wife to accept the woman that tried to kill her. You were cradling her, putting your arm around her, calling her mom. You’ve betrayed every promise you made and now Sheila got the win.

Steffy needs to kick your lying ass to the curb, change the locks and never look back.

Great post. The man has the IQ of a gnat when it comes to Mommy Sheila. Time to send him packing.

im torn, he has a soft heart

Apparently that's the biggest crime, lol. No one remembers that he took a bullet for his selfish, domineering wife. The only man on this show to have done so. He should have just saved himself.

A wife and mother is “selfish and domineering” because she doesn’t want her family to have anything to do with their attempted murderer? That doesn’t sound a little odd to you?

No, she’s selfish and domineering because she isn’t making any effort to try and understand where her husband is coming from. It’s either her way or the highway. And again, and I will never get tired of saying this, but Steffy could have put Sheila away for a long time. She made the decision not to. Selfishly, yes, because of her coward mother. She is lucky Finn is enough of a gentleman that he isn’t throwing that in her face.

She actually has said she understands he has complicated feelings about his birth mother, to Finn directly and to both Liam and Ridge. But the bottom line is she can’t have Sheila be part of their lives and she told him that before she signed the marriage certificate. If Finn feels he does want his attempted murderer and kidnapper in his life then he needs to own that. He needs to tell Steffy that their attempted murderer is as important or more important to him than her instead of repeatedly lying to her, and they need to acknowledge that this is an irreconcilable difference between them.

This I agree with. Finn needs to take a stand instead of repeatedly giving in to Steffy if he doesn't really agree with her. That being said, he can still see Sheila as long as he keeps her away from Steffy and the kids. I haven't seen where he's trying to force Steffy to have a relationship with Sheila? All Steffy has to do is give a little but draw the line at Sheila coming to the house or anywhere near her children. Her husband is an adult and deserves the right to make decisions for himself the way he sees fit.

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