This show is basically a snooze fest

Barbybo, 5/26/2024, 6:57AM(262 days ago) @Sammy

I can ‘t and have no desire to hear or watch anything about Sheila and Deacon. Do not care what happens to them. If Sheila stays good or turns bad big deal she is not interesting
Steffy and Finn the same thing. Finn puts me to sleep he is so boring. Steffy I can’t stand to watch with the constant “tough guy mold” They are making her unhinged, threatening and a bully. The constant (b) itching and screaming about everything is BORING. Now she is going to end HFTF because she is mad at Hope. They have made Steffy unwatchable So not interesting. It is the same thing daily.
If they are going to show Ridge and Brooke please wake Brooke up and put her daughter above all the Forresters. Do something for Hope
Get Hope out of the whole Sheila/Steffy thing. Just let them kill each other Finn doesn’t need to be a friend to Hope because quite frankly Finn is a snoozer
Thomas is coming back and it is time for Thomas and Hope to be the hottest couple on the show and move forward. They can be the power couple. They need to put themselves and their children first and tell anyone who does not support to go to hell. Thomas needs to really support Hope, tell his witch of a sister to go where the sun don’t shine and Hope needs to tell Thomas she loves him
My thought

Yes make them a power couple….

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