
Finn, for God's sake, for your own and for Steffy's sake

Viola, 5/25/2024, 8:31AM(263 days ago) @Julia Andrew- one person liked this

PLEASE, PLEASE, pack your bags and leave Steffy's home and life!
Don't forget to take your "mommy" with you.
If you don't have balls to say 3 simple things:
I'm not here for the wedding, but to take lunch for the kids. They are WAITING for me. So you guys have a great time and goodbye-
you are NOT Steffy's man!
You have to grow and man up first to play in her league.
You shouldn't be married to anyone on this stage of your life, btw!
You and your "mother" would be a danger and pure torture for every woman.

Finn definitely needs to leave Steffy. She can only have a man that will obey while she will do whatever she wants.

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