
Will Deacon and Hope team up on Steffy.

Viola, 4/2/2024, 9:09PM(288 days ago) @BBDownunder

Even though Deacon didn't approve of Hope with Thomas, if he sees how hurt Hope is and Hope fills him in on the things that Steffy said about Hope and Brooke, I wonder if Deacon will try to take Steffy down. Deacon probably blames Steffy with Sheila backsliding and death. So, I can see Deacon going to Lt. Baker and filling him in on Steffy attacking Sheila twice and wishing her dead. With Ivy coming back, I could see Ivy talking to Baker about the things that she blames Steffy for. Aly's death, being pushed into an electrical panel and falling down the stairs. Hope could tell Baker about being locked in the gondola. They could paint a bad picture of Steffy and prompt an investigation into Sheila's death.

Deacon better be careful his own skeletons dont come creeping out. The favour with the judge to get the monster out in particular

Nobody knows about it, but Sheila so I doubt it. The cops are already not convinced by Steffy's story.

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