Lope today

fan87, 4/2/2024, 8:39PM(316 days ago) @Viola- one person liked this

It was heartwarming to see Beth so happy to have both of her parents in one room. It's easy to tell that it wasn't an often occurrence when Thomas was constantly in Hope's space. It might be just me, but Liam gave Hope all these happy looks and I saw that there are still feelings there. Before watching the show I read recaps written by people on-line and they claimed that Lope are just cordial, but it wasn't it for me. It was heartwarming to see Beth so happy to have both of her parents in one room. It's easy to tell that it wasn't an often occurrence when Thomas was constantly in Hope's space. It might be just me, but Liam gave Hope all these happy looks and I saw that there are still feelings there. Before watching the show I read recaps written by people on-line and they claimed that Lope are just cordial, but it wasn't only that for me. I'm not saying Lope will reunite now. They might even end up with other people soon, but they will be back <img src=" />

I agree, there are warm feelings on both sides. Healing is a good thing especially when are involved. They remind me of people who frankly were first loves that just outgrew each other. I think they can be friends.

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