Did Steffy Actually Say...

Barbybo, 4/2/2024, 7:37PM(288 days ago) @Liz

That Hope ruined things with Liam but she destroyed Thomas. I'm sorry, Steffy. You kind of have this azz backwards. Hope destroyed her family with Liam and gutted him when she decided to cheat on Liam with Thomas. What just happened with Thomas was lightweight compared to that.

As an aside, I don't see Liam/Steffy on the horizon. She's a witch and he doesn't look all that interested anymore. Add to that his disgust of Thomas and that would make a reunion with Steffy almost impossible.

Do you think it's time
for Liam to get a new
love interest because
I don't see him getting
back with Hope or Steffy.
And I don't know about
my fave girl Ivy cause it's
sound like she'll be back

#AProudSheilaCarter+Hope Logan+Dylan & Jessica Fan & Supporter

I would really like to see Liam with a new woman. No more Hope or Steffy with Liam would be welcome.

Ditto that

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