Time to bring back Kristen Forrster

DC, 2/11/2024, 5:54PM(367 days ago) @Viola

Recast if you have to but now is the time .Zende needs someone in his corner

He needs someone to remind him how privileged he is.

He knows how privileged he is. RJ needs to be knocked down a few pegs

But why? RJ didn't even chose to work on Eric's line. he was chosen by Eric... The same man Zende praises each time he see's him. The man he lives with, but can't confront about the line... RJ didn't do anything to Zende and I think he should be praised for how incredibly patient he is with him. Apparently Zende doesn't think he is privileged... Kristen won't come back to LA and say that she wants RJ to lose his job so her precious son can feel good about himself.

The character Kristen already said she was available when Eric was sick but no one CALLED her, the Forrester women are not allowed on this show anymore.

Isn't Steffy a Forrester woman?

Yes, but I would think there should be more than ONE.

There are more Logan women, but there are more Forrester men currently on the soap.
Logans - Brooke, Donna, Katie, Hope, RJ.
Forresters - Eric, Ridge, Steffy, Thomas, Zende, Douglas and also RJ. I know many people view him only as a Logan, but he is as much a Forrester as Steffy and Thomas.
I guess that we would have to trade one of the Forrester men for Kristen or Felicia. I would love to see Thomas gone in favor of either of the two ladies.

To me it is fair if you see what was shown initially, that is just me of course. Kristen, Felicia, were members of the Forrester family and should be still on, as well as some one related to the Spectra family or, Caroline Spencer, or Margo Lynley and of course female actresses. It is boring to see only the Logans women.

There are not only the Logan women however since there are only few Spencer and Forrester men new females were needed so we won't see incest. Poppy for Bill and Luna for RJ/Zende. What would Kristen and Felicia do for the long run? Fight with Steffy for Finn? We know the writers won't let female characters stay for long if they aren't going to have a romantic relationship. Maybe Li, but she's not on so often.

If the writers find storylines for Brooke, Donna, Katie, Bridget, and Hope, certainly Kristen could spend time with Liam, or Carter as well as Felicia that is young could be with Liam, Wyatt, or some new character. Bell only interested in the Logan women and that is not good for the show. Just look at some old shows with the Bold and these women are barely featured. Up front we see Sally Spectra, Margo Lynley, Macy Alexandria, Caroline Spencer, Darla Dinkle, it just upsetting to see the show go to no place now and it once was so good. These new characters, Poppy, Li, Luna, have no history and will be with the show a minute.

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