Now that could be a battle (Spoilers)
Li trying to oust Poppy and Luna from LA while Dollar Bill stands up for them and wants them to stay (especially if he turns out that he's been with Poppy/is Luna's father). I think that could be amazing!
Exactly. It would create so much drama if Luna turns out to be Bill’s bio daughter the only princess in his eyes! It would give Bill more screen time too. A win-win IMO.
Shown on screen, Steffy blackmailed Bill. Yet, she told Ivy (and Liam too) that “blackmail is a crime”. Per Steffy’s own words, she IS a criminal cuz she has blackmailed.
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- Now that could be a battle -
11/20/2023, 6:02PM
- Now that could be a battle - GracieGirl, 11/20/2023, 8:50PM
- Now that could be a battle -
11/21/2023, 5:50AM
- Now that could be a battle -
11/21/2023, 7:47AM
- Now that could be a battle - Barbybo, 11/21/2023, 8:13AM
- Now that could be a battle -
11/21/2023, 7:47AM
- Now that could be a battle -
11/21/2023, 11:11AM
- Now that could be a battle -
11/21/2023, 12:03PM
- Now that could be a battle - kikilucy, 11/22/2023, 9:32AM
- Now that could be a battle - hopeyougogirl, 11/22/2023, 12:24PM
- Now that could be a battle -
11/21/2023, 12:03PM