So the plug gets pulled on HFTF just like that?

GLFan, 11/21/2023, 7:35AM(449 days ago) @Lizzy54- one person liked this

Seems he is telling Eric nothing aside from his (white) lie that Eric won the competition.
Now they will have to produce Eric´s gowns though they lost the competition and lose money instead of producing Ridge´s line...
But wouldn´t Eric, as he is CEO now, find out which line is actually produced and how much (or how little) money it makes?
Wouldn´t he be surprised that his line, though he won, doesn´t sell?
I suppose Eric will soon find out about Ridge´s lie...they won´t let him die (IF he really dies) still believing it?

So far they’ve shown us Eric gloating and boasting like an old fool, going on about his office and his company, but we haven’t seen him getting involved in day to day operations or anything financial. I imagine it won’t be pretty if and when he does that or otherwise finds out the truth about all this.

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