
So He's the One Involved with Poppy! Possible Spoiler

LadyMac @, 11/20/2023, 6:00PM(451 days ago) @BellaSole

Possible Spoiler for Those Who Haven't Seen the Show Yet

So Bill is the one who's been involved with Poppy in the past? He was so distracted by Poppy and Luna, that he couldn't continue arguing with Sheila. I suppose Luna will turn out to be Bill's daughter and Liam's sister, even though he can't place Poppy right now. There's obviously some history there. I suppose it could have been a one-nighter. I would have rather it had been Eric, but Bill needs a SL.

I said that a month ago! :lol Bill needs a daughter to dote on and to move him back into the spotlight. He's been gone for too long.

Bill: I am determined to show Katie that she was, is and always will be the greatest love of my life.

Team Batie!

Avatar borrowed from Matt on Twitter!

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