Question about Thomas and his brain tumor...

Barbybo, 5/26/2023, 4:47AM(630 days ago) @matisse
edited by unknown, 5/26/2023, 4:50AM

If Thomas had the brain tumor when the Beth drama occurred, could that have played a role in his actions? Not excusing what happened, but maybe the underlying medical issue was involved. He is absolutely responsible for all of his despicable actions since his brain surgery, but that's a whole other story.

Who cares? And that is not what happens when someone has a brain tumor and has cognitive issues....they do not do what Tom did with calculation and deliberation. He is vile, and Hope seems to not give a damn that he wanted Beth dead. That makes Hope vile. So on that note, they are perfect for each other, both are vile and disgusting and neither one cares about Liam's daughter Beth.

Tom and Hope are making show better…Hopes outgrown Liam..Beth’s inviceable anyway she’s allways sleeping over somebodies……so Hopes sick of nag Liam loves success and it’s now poor Liam. Kinda a joke he played two for years this aw Liam to me he’s a idiot slug……show needs new scripts …new characters stop these reunite stuff I still can’t get over a bridge unit two nut jobs reunite again boreing

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