This is How You Do A Fake Death (General)

takerkid @, 8/11/2022, 4:48PM (637 days ago)- one person liked this

I took issue in hindsight with the way the show went out of its way to sell Finn's death and then let the viewers believe Li was dead without clearly dissuading us the fact. This today was well-done. No viewer believes Sheila's dead but they were presented with a plausible story the characters could reasonably buy as well. There were just enough loose threads to explain how Sheila isn't dead without having to insult anyone's intelligence. Now we wait for Sheila to reemerge seeking vengeance like the homicidal psychopath that she is.

This is How You Do A Fake Death

Debra, 8/11/2022, 4:55PM (637 days ago) @takerkid- one person liked this

Really? I can’t imagine any of them buying what the detective was selling. I’m surprised they didn’t burst out laughing.


This is How You Do A Fake Death

Tiqui1999 @, 8/11/2022, 4:57PM (637 days ago) @Debra

Really? I can’t imagine any of them buying what the detective was selling. I’m surprised they didn’t burst out laughing.

Agreed. A bear eats Sheila but spits out hair, clothes, and a rando middle toe.

This is How You Do A Fake Death

Longtime viewer, 8/11/2022, 5:28PM (637 days ago) @Tiqui1999

I'm loving hilarious....I can picture Sheila laughing in the't wait for her to re-emerge...I really wish they didn't make her too crazy.....they've painted her into a corner. But cutting off your own toe is a totally different level of psycho....I love it.

This is How You Do A Fake Death

Dreamgirl, 8/11/2022, 10:43PM (637 days ago) @Longtime viewer

I'm loving hilarious....I can picture Sheila laughing in the't wait for her to re-emerge...I really wish they didn't make her too crazy.....they've painted her into a corner. But cutting off your own toe is a totally different level of psycho....I love it.

I love it too. She will emerge from the corner, I have no doubt. Sheila is indestructible.

This is How You Do A Fake Death

GracieGirl, 8/11/2022, 5:39PM (637 days ago) @takerkid

That’s why I’m ok. It’s Sheila. We know she isn’t dead.

This is How You Do A Fake Death

Joy, 8/11/2022, 10:39PM (637 days ago) @takerkid

I took issue in hindsight with the way the show went out of its way to sell Finn's death and then let the viewers believe Li was dead without clearly dissuading us the fact. This today was well-done. No viewer believes Sheila's dead but they were presented with a plausible story the characters could reasonably buy as well. There were just enough loose threads to explain how Sheila isn't dead without having to insult anyone's intelligence. Now we wait for Sheila to reemerge seeking vengeance like the homicidal psychopath that she is.

This reminds me of the fake Angela death when the show first started. Everyone thought that she was dead, they even had a burned body, and she reappeared as a burn victim. "Angela" killed a person that stopped to help her and put the body in the burning car, and everyone thought that it was "Angela".

This is How You Do A Fake Death

Kammie @, 8/11/2022, 10:51PM (637 days ago) @takerkid- one person liked this

Now the scene where she was painting her nails black is making sense. We made comments on how bizarre that scene was. She even remembered the strawberry toe jam to go with it.

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